
Kaitlin longs FCPO-C3 2452: CPO futures close higher on good export demand for palm oil

KUALA LUMPUR (Aug 27): Crude palm oil (CPO) futures contracts on Bursa Malaysia Derivatives closed higher today, with a firmer...(more)

Date Volume OpenHigh Low Close
27.8.13 --              -- 20978244824682434 2452
26.8.13 ---              - 17970242024512420 2433
23.8.13     ---          - 17015235023692337 2369
22.8.13     ---         -- 20817233023622318 2357
21.8.13      ---         - 16095231823402311 2333
20.8.13      ----       -- 22939233823432287 2329
19.8.13      ---         - 15623231823432315 2338
16.8.13       --           13015232023362305 2305
15.8.13       --         - 16358230423202298 2320
14.8.13        ---       - 15581230823082275 2294
13.8.13        ---       - 16800227523032271 2296
12.8.13          ----    - 15143220922602205 2241
7.8.13            --      11052223122322201 2210
6.8.13          ---       9764224422562231 2246
5.8.13          ---       11922225422622233 2238
2.8.13         ---      - 16214226022842250 2257
1.8.13          ---     - 15943223622622222 2260
31.7.13           --     - 18439223222452217 2238
30.7.13            ------- 30939214422192137 2215
29.7.13              -- -- 21931217521902162 2171

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(Aug. 27): Palm oil climbed for the fifth day to a two-month high on speculation that the U.S....
Palm oil price is expected to increase by year-end due to low production of substitutes such as vegetable and soybean oils, the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) said today.

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KUALA LUMPUR (August 27): The rise in crude palm oil (CPO) futures prices to RM2,434 a tonne, the highest since...
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